"See, skinny socially privileged white people get to draw this neat little circle, and everyone inside the circle is normal, anyone outside the circle should be beaten, broken and reset so they can be brought into the circle. Failing that, they should be institutionalized or worse, pitied.."
22 Aralık 2010 Çarşamba
18 Aralık 2010 Cumartesi
a family reunion
"Don’t be afraid of the dark? What, are you kidding me - of course you should be afraid of the dark! You know what’s out there!"
"Oh god, we’re not going to have to hug or anything, are we?"
"Oh god, we’re not going to have to hug or anything, are we?"
15 Aralık 2010 Çarşamba
yay beni beni..
--Nelerden şikayetçiyim?
** sürekli maceraydı yenilikti diye binbir maymunluk yapmak. sürekli yapılacak bir işin sorumluluğu üstüme kalıcak paranoyası yaşamak.sorumluluk almadan bir iş yapayım ki ağzıma yüzüme bulaştırmayım diye uyanık olup kendisinden istenmeden önce birşeyi yapma paniği duymak. romantik romantik sevgili bulup iki gün rüyada yaşadıktan sonra bir sabah "ulan ulan özgürlüğüm özgürlüğüm naaptım ben! bi şeyime hakim olamadım!" diye uyanmak. sıksık rüyalarda jüpitere satürne felan gitmek zorunda olmak.
**- düşünülmeden, iyi niyetle söylenen, ama kırıcı olan cümlelerin getirdiği negatiflikler.
- söz ver(e)memekten dolayı, kimsenin, yayların ipiyle kuyuya inmemesi.
- büyük bedeni bulunamadığı için kısa pantolonlarla, dar çoraplarla dolaşmak.
- umursamazlığın verdiği etki ile etrafta olan biteni tam manasıyla kavrayamamak.
- aynı çukura üç gün arka arkaya düşmek, dördüncü gün son anda yırtmak.
- beş maddeden uzun entryleri okuma sabrına sahip olmamak.
** 7/24 gergin gezmek olabilir pekala bu. sonra da stressten ölmek.
** (bkz: yay burcunun sorumsuzluğu)
** dağınık ve umarsız olmaları en önemli sorunlarıdır.
** tembellik, gevezelik, son dakikaya birakılmış projeler, ödevler...
dışarıdan vurdumduymaz, rahat görünürken içerde fırtınalar kopması, elalemin derdinin mutlaka yayı germesi, başkaları için pollyannacılık oynasa da kendisini ilgilendiren konularda uslanmaz bi pessimist olması, vb vb..
** dobralığı, açıklığı, tamamen iyi niyetle olmasına rağmen zaman zaman pot kırma seviyesine gelen her düşüncesini olduğu gibi söylemesi başa beladır... ama başka türlüsü de yay burcu insanı için mümkün değildir zaten.. bu burcun en büyük sıkıntısı, karşısındakilerin kendisine açıklığı ve dürüstlüğü hakkında yaşadıkları paranoyalardır... zira o kişilerin yalan konusunda bir açıkları yakalandığında, değerleri, imkb'dekinden daha hızlı bir düşüşle taban yapar ve kaybolan güveni yeniden kazanmaları hayli zor olacak ve zaman alacaktır... ki kazanılsa bile hiç bir şey eskisi gibi olmayacaktır.
** yay burcu kadını "kıro çeker" olmaktan muzdariptir.
tamam muhtemelen tüm kadınlar rahatsızdır bu durumdan,ama bugüne kadar gözlemlediğim kadarıyla diyelim kalabalık bir yere gittik gayet düzgün insanlar var,nezih ortamda bir tanecik kıro varsa o da gelir bu burcun kadınını bulur!
** tembel olmak. sıkılmak. tembellikten sıkılmak. sıkıntıdan tembellik yapmak.
** hem sorumsuz olup hem otu boku kafaya takmak.
** ciddi olamamak. evet evet en büyük zorlukları budur.
** bi tarafın kalk gidelim derken öbür tarafının bok yeme,otur demesi.
** kesinlikle sıkıya gelememek ve aklındakini ya da demek istediğini patır kütür paldır paldır söylemek.
--Peki ne istiyorum?!
** "canım bi şey istiyor ama ne olduğunu bilmiyorum" cümlesi yeterlidir yay burcu kadınının ne istediğini anlamak için... çünkü kendileri bile zorlanır ne istediklerini bulmak için...
** " biraz deniz biraz uyku bütün isteğim buydu " -bir yay burcu kadını
** iyi niyeti suistimal edilmesin ister.
evet,bunu herkes ister ama yay burcunun doğasındaki iyi niyet abartılmış durumda olduğu için bazı durumlarda karşısından da aynı iyi niyeti göremeyince ya da suistimal edildiğini anlayınca çok üzülür.
** bağımsız olmak. hiç kimseye, hiçbir şeye bağımlılık duymayıp, sadece kendilerine ve kendi yapabileceklerine güvenerek yaşamak ister bu burcun kadınları. ve tabi aynı isteğe sahip bir erkek isterler hayatlarında, ki birbirlerini anlayabilsinler. zira, bunların ikinci bir istekleri de anlaşılabilmektir. fekat aynı zamanda anlaşılamamak, insanlar tarafından hemen çözülememek de isterler ancak şaşırtıcı derecede açık ve içi dışı bir kişiler olduklarından bunu başaramaz, sonunda amaaan salla gitsin derler...
--SONUÇ: dayak istiyorum ben, dayak.
** ekşisözlük-
28 Kasım 2010 Pazar
"Dad's on a *hunting* trip... and he hasn't been home in a few days."
"House rules, Sammy. Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole."
24 Kasım 2010 Çarşamba
good old-fashioned lover boy
"Buddy, you’re a young man hard man; shoutin’ in the street, gonna take on the world someday... We Will, We Will Rock You!.."
"Too late, my time has come. Sends shivers down my spine, body's aching all the time.. Goodbye, ev'rybody, I've got to go. Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth.."
"Through the sorrow, all through our splendour; don't take offense at my Innuendo..."
"I can dim the lights and sing you songs full of sad things, we can play the tango just for two.. I can serenade and gently play on your heart strings, be your Valentino, just for you.. Ooh, Love; Ooh, Loverboy, What'cha Doin' Tonight, Hey Boy?.."
"I've paid my dues, time after time; I've done my sentence, but committed no crime.. And bad mistakes, I've made a few; I've had my share of sand kicked in my face, but I've come through.. We are the champions, my friend; and we'll keep on fighting till the end!.. No Time for Losers, Cause We Are the Champions.. of the World!.."
"Through the sorrow, all through our splendour; don't take offense at my Innuendo..."
23 Kasım 2010 Salı
intro: interrogation
"My name is Dean Winchester. I’m an Aquarius. I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach, and frisky women; and I did not kill anyone. But I know who did, or rather what did. Of course it can't be for sure, because our investigation was interrupted. But our working theory was that we're looking for some kind of a vengeful spirit."
"Eat me."
"Eat me."
10 Kasım 2010 Çarşamba
kıymetini bilenler..
"The genius of our century — centuries rarely produce a genius. Look at this bad luck of ours, that great genius of our era was granted to the Turkish nation."
- David Lloyd George
"Mustafa Kemal was not a socialist. But it can be perceived that he is a good organizer, with great understanding, progressive, with good thoughts and an intelligent leader. He is carrying out a war of independence against those plunderers."
- Vladimir Lenin
"..Ataturk, the architect of progress and Turkish unity,.. a person who became a source of inspiration to free peoples throughout the world."
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
"I learned about Mustafa Kemal Ataturk from someone who knows him very well. As I was speaking to the Foreign Affairs Minister of the Soviet Union, Litvinov, he told me that the most valuable and interesting leader in the world does not live in Europe but beyond the Straits in Ankara and that he was the President of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk."
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
"The death of Ataturk, who had saved Turkey during the war and revived the Turkish Nation after the war, is a great loss, not only for his country, but also for Europe as well."
- Winston Churchill
"The name of Ataturk brings to mind the historic accomplishments of one of the great men of this century, his inspired leadership of the Turkish People, his perceptive understanding of the modern world and his boldness as a military leader."
- John Kennedy
"Ataturk was a statesman a military leader and one of the greatest leaders of our century. I am proud to be one Ataturk's loyal friends."
- Douglas MacArthur
"Ataturk was one of the greatest statesman of everyone who has lived and died throughout history. At no time did he dwell on the period in which he lived, he would see the future and accordingly would carry out a task. Thus, this quality of Ataturk's is the point that separates him from administrators such as Hitler and Mussolini. They were acting in everything that they did by thinking of themselves. Ataturk would act beyond himself by seeing 20-30 years into the future."
- Lord Kinross
"The most precise measure of a person's worth is to be able to make their friends and enemies accept their superiority in their own field. Thus, Atatürk is one of the geniuses who attained this eminence. As a revolutionary he was triumphant in his cause and created modern Turkey and joined together among the great statesman of our century."
- W. Somerset Maugham
"I am the child of a generation that knows closely Turkish-German friendship. At an early age I saw a man's heroisms, the services he carried out and the self-sacrifices he undertook for his country. This man was Mustafa Kemal. Today I comprehend even better that this person was a great statesman. He was great, because he used all his courage for his nation, his country to save his homeland at an unlucky moment. He was great, because he directed his nation towards the absolute necessity of adjusting them to the necessities of history.
- Kurt Kiesinger
"Fifty years before this we heard the name of Mustafa Kemal as a distinguished Turkish Commander. Later, with the establishment of peace, he got the opportunity to put forth his characteristics as a statesman and as one of the great national leaders, he gained one of the most eminent ranks in history. We remember that courageous and heroic soldier with respect and that statesman, the true father of modern Turkey with praise and gratitude."
- Alexander Douglas-Home
"We are indebted to him for the birth of the first republic in the Near and Middle East. This Republic showed the way for the wars of national freedom for many nations. Under Ataturk's administration, Turkey's international authority advanced and his country started to play an important role in world politics."
- Nikita Khrushchev
"Kemal Ataturk is not only one of the greatest leaders of this century. We in Pakistan see him as one of the greatest men of all times who has lived and died. He is not only the beloved leader of your country. All the Moslems in the world have turned their eyes to him with feelings of love and admiration."
- Muhammed Ayub Khan
"Pasha, how can I not admire you? I established a secular government in France. This government was overthrown by the priests with the help of the Pope's representatives in Paris. While you got rid of the Caliphate and established a secular state in the true sense of the word. Within this fanaticism, how did you make this society accept secularism? The great work of your genius was to create a secular Turkey."
- Edouard Herriot
"Kemal Ataturk or Kemal Pasha by which name we knew him in those times, was my hero during my youth. I was very moved when I read about his great reforms. I met with great praise the general efforts made by Ataturk on the course of modernizing Turkey. His dynamism, undauntedness and unawareness of fatigue created a great effect on people. He was one of the builders of the modern age in the orient. I continue to be among his greatest admirers."
- Jawaharlal Nehru
31 Ekim 2010 Pazar
"Holy Tax Accountant"
"Castiel.. I'm an Angel of the Lord."
"I’m the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition."
"You should show me some respect. I dragged you out of hell. I can throw you back in."
Dean: I thought angels were supposed to be guardians. Fluffy wings, halos.. you know, Michael Landon. Not dicks.
Castiel: Read the Bible. Angels are warriors of God. I'm a soldier.
Dean: What the hell?
Castiel: Guess again.
"I serve Heaven, I don't serve Men. And I certainly don't serve you."
Raphael: Castiel. I'm warning you, do not leave me here. I will find you.
Castiel: Maybe one day. But today you're my little bitch.
"I found a liquor store.. I drank it."
"I rebelled for this?! So you could surrender to them?! I gave up everything for you, and this is what you give to me?!"
"I owe you an apology. You are not the burnt and broken shell of a man that I believed you to be."
Dean: Oh. Well, last night on Earth. What, What are your plans?
Castiel: I just thought I'd sit here quietly.
"I suggest we imbibe copious quantities of alcohol... just wait for the inevitable blast wave."
"You pray too loud."
Dean: You were gone for like two seconds. Where did you look?
Castiel: Everywhere.
"Sam, Dean, my 'people skills' are 'rusty'. Pardon me, but I have spent the last year as a multidimensional wavelength of celestial intent."
King of the Crossroads
Bobby: You're Crowley.
Crowley: In the flesh... of a moderately-successful literary agent from New York.
"So, the Hardy Boys finally found me. Took you long enough."
Dean: What happens to you if we go up against the Devil and lose?
Crowley: Number one, he's gonna wipe us all out anyway, two, after you leave here I go on an extended vacation to all points nowhere, and three, HOW ABOUT YOU DON'T MISS, OKAY? MORONS!
"Fancy a fag and a chat?"
"Nothing's changed.I still want the devil dead.. Well, one thing's changed, now the devil knows that I want him dead, which, by the way, makes me the most buggered son in all of creation."
"They burnt down my house. THEY ATE MY TAILOR!"
"Two months, under a rock, like a bloody salamander! Every demon on hell and earth's got his eyes out for me! And yet here I am, last place I should be, in the road, talking to Sam and Dean Winchester, under a friggin' spotlight!"
Brady: What did you do?
Crowley: Went over to a demon's nest, had a little massacre. Must be losing my touch, though. Let one of the little toads live. Oops! Also might have given said toad the impression that you left your post last night because you and I are...wait for it... Lovers in League Against Satan....... Hello, darling.
Bobby: Word on the street is that ever since Lucifer went to the pokey, you’re the Big Kahuna downstairs.
Crowley: I see you’ve been reading the trades.
Bobby: Trouble in paradise?
Crowley: Mate. You have no idea. I thought when I got the corner office, it was all going to be rainbows and two-headed puppies. But if I'm being honest, it's been hell... You know what the problem with demons is?
Bobby: They're demons?
Crowley: Exactly. Evil, lying prats, the whole lot of them. They're stupid. You try to show them a new way, a better way, and what do you get? Bugger all! You know, there's days that I think Lucifer's whole "spike anything with black eyes" plan wasn't half bad. Hpph. Feels good to get it off my chest. We should make this a thing.
Dean: Did you really used to wear a skirt?
Crowley: A kilt. I had very athletic calves.
Sam: Dean. He's a dick, but a deal's a deal.
Crowley: I don't need you to fight my battles for me, moose. Get bent.
Sam: Are you freakin' nuts?
Dean: Shut up for a second, Sam!
Chevy Chevy Lady
"On April 21, 1967, the 100 millionth GM vehicle rolled off the line at the plant in Janesville--a blue two-door Caprice. There was a big ceremony, speeches, the lieutenant governor even showed up. Three days later, another car rolled off that same line. No one gave two craps about her. But they should have. Because that 1967 Chevrolet Impala would turn out to be the most important car--no, the most important object--in pretty much the whole universe...
5 Ekim 2010 Salı
Ctrl + S
You can dance-- every dance with the one who gives you the eye, let'em hold you tight.
You can smile-- every smile for the one who held your hand 'neath the pale moonlight.
But don't forget who's takin' you home and in whose arms you're gonna be;
So darlin' save the last dance for me..
Oh I know that the music's fine, like sparklin' wine, go and have your fun.
Laugh and sing, but while we're apart don't give your heart to anyone.
Cause don't forget who's takin' you home and in whose arms you're gonna be;
So darlin' save the last dance for me..
Laugh and sing, but while we're apart don't give your heart to anyone.
Cause don't forget who's takin' you home and in whose arms you're gonna be;
So darlin' save the last dance for me..
4 Eylül 2010 Cumartesi
just to tell you once again, who's bad?
When you came in the air went out; and every shadow filled up with doubt.
I don't know who you think you are, but before the night is through,
I wanna do bad things with you.
I wanna do bad things with you.
I'm the kind to sit up in his room, heart sick an' eyes filled up with blue..
I don't know what you've done to me, but I know this much is true:
I don't know what you've done to me, but I know this much is true:
I wanna do bad things with you.
I wanna do real bad things with you.
21 Temmuz 2010 Çarşamba
Visions / hallucinations
Where the traveller goes, nobody knows....
Where the traveller goes, a cold wind blows..
There is something in his eyes, something in his hands,
You can almost smell his revenge,
And whoever he is after, it will be disaster,
This man is gonna take them to the very end..
With this man I must talk, yes, with him I must go..
There is something in his eyes, something in his hands,
I can almost smell his revenge,
And it's me that he's after, it will be disaster,
This man is gonna take me to the very end,
And they were never seen again!...
5 Temmuz 2010 Pazartesi
drink up, me 'earties, yo ho!..
"listen up, everybody! here's to the man that broke my heart, crushed my soul, destroyed my life and ruined any and all chances of happiness. drink up!"
7 Haziran 2010 Pazartesi
28 Mayıs 2010 Cuma
of the olive-colored voice..
"..I sing your restless longing for the statue,
your fear of the feelings that await you in the street.I sing the small sea siren who sings to you,
riding her bicycle of corals and conches.
But above all I sing a common thought
that joins us in the dark and golden hours.
The light that blinds our eyes is not art.
Rather it is love, friendship, crossed swords..
that joins us in the dark and golden hours.
The light that blinds our eyes is not art.
Rather it is love, friendship, crossed swords..
24 Mayıs 2010 Pazartesi
black holes & revelations
I thought I was a fool for no one, oo baby I'm a fool for you!.. You're the Queen of the superficial, how long before you tell the truth?
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