"The genius of our century — centuries rarely produce a genius. Look at this bad luck of ours, that great genius of our era was granted to the Turkish nation."
- David Lloyd George
"Mustafa Kemal was not a socialist. But it can be perceived that he is a good organizer, with great understanding, progressive, with good thoughts and an intelligent leader. He is carrying out a war of independence against those plunderers."
- Vladimir Lenin
"..Ataturk, the architect of progress and Turkish unity,.. a person who became a source of inspiration to free peoples throughout the world."
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
"I learned about Mustafa Kemal Ataturk from someone who knows him very well. As I was speaking to the Foreign Affairs Minister of the Soviet Union, Litvinov, he told me that the most valuable and interesting leader in the world does not live in Europe but beyond the Straits in Ankara and that he was the President of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk."
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
"The death of Ataturk, who had saved Turkey during the war and revived the Turkish Nation after the war, is a great loss, not only for his country, but also for Europe as well."
- Winston Churchill
"The name of Ataturk brings to mind the historic accomplishments of one of the great men of this century, his inspired leadership of the Turkish People, his perceptive understanding of the modern world and his boldness as a military leader."
- John Kennedy
"Ataturk was a statesman a military leader and one of the greatest leaders of our century. I am proud to be one Ataturk's loyal friends."
- Douglas MacArthur
"Ataturk was one of the greatest statesman of everyone who has lived and died throughout history. At no time did he dwell on the period in which he lived, he would see the future and accordingly would carry out a task. Thus, this quality of Ataturk's is the point that separates him from administrators such as Hitler and Mussolini. They were acting in everything that they did by thinking of themselves. Ataturk would act beyond himself by seeing 20-30 years into the future."
- Lord Kinross
"The most precise measure of a person's worth is to be able to make their friends and enemies accept their superiority in their own field. Thus, Atatürk is one of the geniuses who attained this eminence. As a revolutionary he was triumphant in his cause and created modern Turkey and joined together among the great statesman of our century."
- W. Somerset Maugham
"I am the child of a generation that knows closely Turkish-German friendship. At an early age I saw a man's heroisms, the services he carried out and the self-sacrifices he undertook for his country. This man was Mustafa Kemal. Today I comprehend even better that this person was a great statesman. He was great, because he used all his courage for his nation, his country to save his homeland at an unlucky moment. He was great, because he directed his nation towards the absolute necessity of adjusting them to the necessities of history.
- Kurt Kiesinger
"Fifty years before this we heard the name of Mustafa Kemal as a distinguished Turkish Commander. Later, with the establishment of peace, he got the opportunity to put forth his characteristics as a statesman and as one of the great national leaders, he gained one of the most eminent ranks in history. We remember that courageous and heroic soldier with respect and that statesman, the true father of modern Turkey with praise and gratitude."
- Alexander Douglas-Home
"We are indebted to him for the birth of the first republic in the Near and Middle East. This Republic showed the way for the wars of national freedom for many nations. Under Ataturk's administration, Turkey's international authority advanced and his country started to play an important role in world politics."
- Nikita Khrushchev
"Kemal Ataturk is not only one of the greatest leaders of this century. We in Pakistan see him as one of the greatest men of all times who has lived and died. He is not only the beloved leader of your country. All the Moslems in the world have turned their eyes to him with feelings of love and admiration."
- Muhammed Ayub Khan
"Pasha, how can I not admire you? I established a secular government in France. This government was overthrown by the priests with the help of the Pope's representatives in Paris. While you got rid of the Caliphate and established a secular state in the true sense of the word. Within this fanaticism, how did you make this society accept secularism? The great work of your genius was to create a secular Turkey."
- Edouard Herriot
"Kemal Ataturk or Kemal Pasha by which name we knew him in those times, was my hero during my youth. I was very moved when I read about his great reforms. I met with great praise the general efforts made by Ataturk on the course of modernizing Turkey. His dynamism, undauntedness and unawareness of fatigue created a great effect on people. He was one of the builders of the modern age in the orient. I continue to be among his greatest admirers."
- Jawaharlal Nehru